Skill Saw: Use with a guide
You can make up more sawguide with customized lengths for any number of other applications.
I highly recommend making up an 8 foot saw guide for making rip cuts on 4 by 8 material.
With both a 4 foot and an 8 foot sawguide you'll have everything you need to start cutting panels out of 4 by 8 sheets for making cabinet carcasses.
A couple of wise old carpenters used this sawguide to cut off the bottom of interior doors to clear newly installed carpet.
The beauty of the sawguide in this application is that when there is a need to cut the bottom off of a beautifully finished and expensive door, the saw never touches the door and there is no risk of scratches.
The sawguide also controls the nasty fraying of wood fibers and veneers when cutting across the grain.