
Tuesday, May 24, 2005

What is a sawboard

Out of all of the weapons in this mans arsenal, my sawboard has to be one of the most used and most functional pieces of equipment, as well as the least expensive to acquire. There aren't enough accolades to describe it!

In the simplest of terms the sawboard is a straight edge circular saw guide. Now, I know what your probably thinking right now:

"Yea right, another clumsy, pain in the butt saw guide thing that takes forever to get aligned and clamped only to find out that you've trashed the cut because it missed the line!"...Right?

Believe me I know exactly how you feel.

For years as a professional I tried just about everything on and off of the market and the only methods that gave me accuracy I needed for cabinet work took forever to measure and clamp, and then re-measure and clamp again several times before I could even make one cut.

What if I told you that with the sawboard there is no measuring for alignment with your cut? And then, what if I told you that the clamping literally takes only seconds?


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