
Monday, December 19, 2005

Power Hand Planers

I can remember my fathers toolbox, it had about four or five different sizes of hand planes in it.

There is no better sence of accomplishment than running your fingers over a piece of wood which you have just finished by hand.

This may not be for all, for those who are in a hurry---

There are power planers available that really reduce the hard work that is needed for using a hand plane.

Most of these powered hand planers have a cutting width of about 3 1/2 to 4 inches.

You can take off just a thin slice of wood, or a heavier cut with little effort.

You really have to watch when you use one of these powered planers as they take wook of very quickly.

Practice on some scrap wood is a must, until you get used to how well the power planer works.

These planers sell from $25-30 and up.

Remember: you only get what you pay for, and there are a lot of sub-standard pieces of equipment available out there .


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